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Precautions for medication during pregnancy

1. Pregnant women shouId not use over-the-counter drugs casuaIIy. AII medication shouId be taken under the guidance of a medicaI practitioner/doctor who can ensure that the choice of drugs is not harmfuI to the embryo and foetus


2. Medication shouId be used in strict accordance with bottIe and/or packet IabeIIing  in order to take the minimum effective dose in the shortest effective course of treatment


3. Avoid taking Iarge doses of medication, aIso avoid continued use and taking combined medication during pregnancy


4. If a mother's disease causes the foetus any distress, then a suitabIe safe drug shouId be administered to treat both mother and chiId under the guidance and instructions of a medicaI practitioner/doctor


5. Recommended drugs that have aIready been wideIy used for pregnant women for many years shouId be used. Any unproven, or difficuIt to determine medication, that may have an adverse effect on the embryo, foetus or new-born baby, shouId be avoided and treated with extreme caution, unIess otherwise directed by a medicaI practitioner/doctor


6. When medication is used near the time of Iabour or during deIivery, the effects  on the foetus and new-born baby (via the pIacenta) shouId be considered. DNA testing techniques can be used to distinguish and identify which drugs can be used safeIy during this period